CIDIP 2019 (Málaga): Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 41-60 de 169
El BIM como herramienta didáctica en la Ingenieria de Proyectos. La experiencia metodológica del 1ª master BIM-DGP en Ujaen
(2019)It is clear, the growing interest generated to project using BIM Methodology. In 2005, the BIM Commission, constituted for this purpose, and promoted from the AA PP 2019 as a key year for its final implementation This has ... -
Situación actual y reflexiones sobre los trabajos fin de grado en las escuelas de ingeniería civil de las universidades españolas
(2019)Order CIN/307/2009, of 9 February, which establishes the requirements for the verification of official university degrees that qualify for the civil engineering profession, indicates that the FINAL YEAR PROJECT have to ... -
Las competencias transversales en los títulos de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena
(2019)The competences acquired in the Spanish university degrees are classified into four types. The basic competences are described in the royal decree RD 861/2010, while the general and specific ones, in studies that qualify ... -
Efecto de las competencias específicas del ámbito de la Ingeniería en Diseño Industrial sobre la creatividad de los diseñadores
(2019)Creativity is an inherent and available feature of human beings. However, it is more easily expressed during childhood, since established social structures make adults self-restrict their creativity. So, creativity is a ... -
Enseñanza grupal. Estudio por casos de empresas valencianas
(2019)Case Study of Valencian Companies is a course of 4.5 elective credits last year degree course Industrial Engineering. The course aims to give students a detailed look at some key sectors that make up the business, their ... -
Neuroseguridad aplicada a la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales
(2019)Neurosafety is the use of the Neuroscience, and all its branches, for an Occupational, Health & Safety purpose (OHS). Many methods, that come from cognitive neuroscience, allow to understand how brain works while subjecting ... -
La digitalización de la prevención de riesgos laborales. Una aproximación para la PRL 4.0
(2019)The Fourth Industrial Revolution or Digitization is real. Companies are pursuing the optimization of their resources applying, to traditional manufacturing models as Lean Manufacturing, the benefits that come from the ... -
Análisis del impacto de los riesgos de proyectos de investigación en sus KPIs
(2019)Uncertainty is in the DNA of every project. The uncertainty is even a more critical factor when referring to research projects, and thus, risk management becomes a relevant aspect for the success of these projects. On the ... -
La gestión del riesgo en la contratación pública: una aproximación necesaria desde la gestión de proyectos.
(2019)Risk management in public procurement is certainly underdeveloped in Spain. The risks measured in deviations of term, quality, scope and cost, together with those specific to public procurement of efficiency and necessity, ... -
Metodología de Gestión de Riesgos en la Cadena de Suministro. Un caso de estudio aplicado.
(2019)This paper offers a general risk management procedure applied to synchronized supply chains. After carrying out a thorough review of the literature and taking as reference the international standard ISO 28000, the most ... -
La gestión de riesgos, aplicando simulación de Montecarlo y las metodologías Hazid y Hazop
(2019)The present investigation will study the process of risk management, applying methods that are usually used in other disciplines such as finance and engineering. In professional practice, the Project Manager, teams, ... -
Aplicación de la Teoría de “affordances” y la Realidad Virtual al análisis de la señalización de los medios de evacuación
(2019)The signage of a building for evacuation in case of emergency is vital to achieve two objectives. The main objective is the clear and constant information along the evacuation routes and secondly, the fluidity movement of ... -
Protomodelo para la creación de un Sistema de Gestión Integrada bajo el paradigma holónico fractal y la triple e
(2019)At present, companies are faced with a situation in which the administration of all their processes must be approached in such a way as to achieve maximum business effectiveness and efficiency and, to the extent that the ... -
La coordinación de actividades empresariales. Ideas para su correcta aplicación.
(2019)Spanish Royal Decree 171/2004, of January 30th, develops article 24 from 1995 Spanish Risk Prevention at Work Law. This article defines the Coordination of Business Activities when observing the concurrence of workers of ... -
Evaluación de los riesgos del personal profesionalmente expuesto tras la ampliación de un almacén de materias primas corrosivas
(2019)This work deals with the expansion of the storage of corrosive raw materials in a company dedicated to the manufacture and packaging of ecological fertilizers, carried out in accordance with the new Regulation of Storage ... -
Puesta a punto de un sistema de medida de radón a partir de un dispositivo de simulación de exhalación
(2019)Radon is a radioactive gas from the uranium decay which is being considered as a carcinogenic element by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 2010. In 2013, it was published the Directive 59/2013/EURATOM which establishes ... -
Acondicionamiento de una vivienda ya construida para la reducción y control de la concentración de radón en el aire interior
(2019)Radon is a radioactive gas that can be found in the interior spaces of dwellings, causing several hazardous effects to the health of occupants. It is expected the next incorporation into Spanish law of the Directive ... -
Estudio de seguridad y salud de los departamentos de producción y mantenimiento de una empresa de tratamiento de metales
(2019)This work is a Security and Health Study which is focused on the exposed workers of the Production and Maintenance Departments of a company dedicated to the thermal and thermochemical treatment of metals. The reason of ... -
El marco normativo regulador en torno a la Metodología BIM enfocada a la prevención de riesgos laborales.
(2019)The construction sector is still a sector with a great percentage of accidents that have their origin during the design phase. The BIM model allows to manage information needs as well as documentation using a database as ... -
Plan de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales en un proyecto de energía solar fotovoltaica.
(2019)It is considered essential, in any project, the establishment, monitoring and compliance with quality specifications, reflected in the Project Quality Plan, which defines how they will be achieved, as well as the procedures ...