CIDIP 2020 (Alcoy): Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 61-80 de 175
Instalaciones de paneles solares para el ahorro energético y la mejora de la eficiencia energética de hospitales.
(2020)On behalf of the Health Department of the Generalitat Valenciana, improvements and refurbishments are being carried out in the installation of various sanitary centres for saving and improving energy efficiency. Due to the ... -
Viabilidad técnico-económica para convertidores en MT para grandes instalaciones fotovoltaicas
(2020)With the development of renewable energy industry during recent years, the capacity of photovoltaic (PV) generation systems is increasing dramatically; nowadays, it is not difficult to find facilities of tens of megawatts ... -
Valoración espacial de la idoneidad de las bombas geotérmicas frente a las convencionales basado en la temperatura del aire..
(2020)In this work a spatial assessment of climatic conditions was made in order to determine where the use of Ground Source Heat Pump (GSHP) is a more suitable alternative than the conventional heat pump. This GIS-based assessment ... -
La gasificación de los residuos plásticos de luminarias. Caso estudio de conversión termoquímica de residuos plásticos en el Alto-Alentejo (Portugal)
(2020)The recovery of urban waste is a social demand and a measure of the energy-environmental sustainability of cities and regions. In particular, wastes of electrical origin, WEEE in the hands of managers allow them to be ... -
Análisis de las iniciativas de simbiosis industrial implementadas en puertos europeos.
(2020)The port industry is facing numerous challenges worldwide, this include environmental problems such as: air, land and water pollution. Some authors point to the lack of a European regulatory framework that leads to better ... -
Parques eólicos marinos. Situación actual
(2020)Currently, wind energy, wich is produced in wind farms connected to the electricity grid, is the second largest renewable energy source worldwide, with an installed capacity of 650.5 GW at the end of 2019, and a large ... -
Gasificación de la electricidad: gestión de excedentes de energía renovable. Hibridación e integración con tecnologías clásicas de generación eléctrica
(2020)There was a very significant increase in installed wind power between 2009 and 2019. The forecast for 2020-2030 is also very high. A scenario with a lot of installed wind power will generate surplus energy and it will be ... -
Comparativa de estándares de certificación de edificios consumo casi nulo. Requerimientos de aislamiento térmico
(2020)'Almost zero energy consumption building' means a building with a very high level of energy efficiency, self-supplied by renewable energy. The design strategy of this type of buildings is to limit the energy consumption ... -
Análisis multicriterio de alternativas de instalación de ACs y climatización en un centro de salud en Valencia
(2020)The objective of the following communication is to carry out a technical-economic feasibility study of the installation of Sanitary Hot Water (SHW) and Air Conditioning of a 600 m² Health Centre located in the town of ... -
Optimización de las emisiones de CO2 derivadas de la construcción de edificios sanitarios mediante tecnología BIM 6D
(2020)Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology enables building management by working collaboratively. BIM facilitates communication between the different agents involved in a project, from the initial drafting and modelling, ... -
Análisis de viabilidad técnico-económica de proyectos de generación eléctrica eólica y solar para autoconsumo aplicado a la industria pesada
(2020)Heavy industry is frequently associated with the group of large consumers of electricity. For this reason and given the continuous increase of electricity prices observed in recent decades, this sector is immersed in a ... -
Relación entre diferentes tipos de comportamiento pro-ambiental y distintas concepciones del bienestar subjetivo
(2020)The adoption of pro-environmental behaviour at the individual level is essential to achieve the transition to a sustainable society. In this paper we examine the relationship between pro-environmental behaviour and subjective ... -
Identificación de tendencias en las series históricas de temperaturas diarias en Córdoba (1960.-2018)
(2020)Temperature is one of the most important indicators of climate change that can chow trends of heating or cooling. In this work the annual temporal variation of temperature in Córdoba (Andalusia, Spain) is analyzed for a ... -
Revisión de la aplicación de las Técnicas de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida a la industria azucarera
(2020)Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology used to study, analyze and determine the environmental aspects and impacts that could affect the environment and cause harmful effects on the human beings associated to the life ... -
Operación de planta piloto hibrida UASB +SMEBR para eliminación de contaminantes Emergentes.
(2020)This research was aimed to evaluate the start-up and operation of a hybrid UASB+ SMEBR system. Elimination of COD (organic matter) and nutrients (NT, PT, NH4) was controlled variables along the experiment. The elimination ... -
Proyecto de optimización en la operación de estaciones de bombeo para redes de agua.
(2020)Proper design of a pumping system requires that the pump curve have to be as close as possible the system set-point curve, so that the energy used is optimal. This is achieved by control systems, in which and the combination ... -
Perspectiva de la sostenibilidad en las empresas en la zona transfronteriza entre Andalucía y Portugal. Medidas y buenas prácticas.
(2020)At present there is a perspective of sustainability in companies dedicated to manufacturing that has evolved to position itself as one of the main axes in the development of strategic lines for product development. Green ... -
Recubrimientos funcionales sobre utensilios de cocina impresos en 3D
(2020)Nowadays, desktop 3D printers are increasingly used to produce everyday custom objects, being cooking equipment the most important ones. These tools have rough surfaces suitable for microbial proliferation. The aim of this ... -
Economía circular en el sector de los residuos de construcción y demolición: análisis de iniciativas en España
(2020)The Circular Economy (CE) is a recent concept that has gained significant recognition in politics, business and academia, because is considered an innovative alternative in many sectors for satisfying production and ... -
Análisis de interesados y toma de decisiones de los armadores de buques frente a la próxima política “IMO AZUFRE 2020”.
(2020)The main type of oil used as fuel in ships is heavy fuel oil, derived from the residue of crude oil distillation. Crude oil contains sulphur which, after combustion in the engine, is released into the atmosphere along with ...