Identificación de tendencias en las series históricas de temperaturas diarias en Córdoba (1960.-2018)
Ayuso Muñoz, José Luis
Tocados, Enrique
García Marín, Amanda P.
Ayuso Ruiz, José Luis
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Temperature is one of the most important indicators of climate change that can chow trends of heating or cooling. In this work the annual temporal variation of temperature in Córdoba (Andalusia, Spain) is analyzed for a period of 59 years (1960-2018). The study used maxima and minimum daily temperature data series from Cordoba Airport weather station in order to detect significant trends in 21 extreme temperature indexes for the evaluated period. For this purpose, the non-parametric test of Mann-Kendall and the Sen slope estimator were performed. Three different periods with significant trends were found: 1960-2018 (whole period), 1960-1989 (first sub-period) y 1990-2018 (second subperiod). For the whole period analyzed, the results show positive annul trends for 12 indexes (and negative for 1). For the first sub-period increasing trends were found only in 4 indexes, whereas for the second sub-period only 5 indexes out of the 13 (those that showed trends for the whole period) showed positive trends. Warm nights, tropical nights, summer days and warm days, are the indexes with the highest rate of change for the whole period analyzed
- CIDIP 2020 (Alcoy) [175]