CIDIP 2020 (Alcoy)
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(AEIPRO, 2020)In the Big Data era, the economic growth of technology-based-companies is conditioned upon their knowledge management, learning skills and their R&D&i. Particularly, a company’s knowledge is key to improve the way it is ... -
(AEIPRO, 2020-07)A wine company in the province of Albacete has a daily production of between 500000 and 1.5 million kg of grape. The increase of the raw material in the last campaigns has caused an imbalance between the production speed ... -
(AEIPRO, 2020)This paper deals with the problem of scheduling project tasks under uncertainty and with limited resources. In this context and under an EVM-driven project control, we formulate a risk-aware scheduling model as a Markov ... -
La figura del PM en la edificación: promoción y desarrollo profesional desde la Associació Catalana de Project Management
(2020)In the current international context, project management has become a complex multidisciplinary and multisectoral profession. The figure of the PM in building industries is something increasingly common and valued by ... -
Aplicación de las metodologías de Dirección de Proyectos a proyectos de I+D+i colaborativo: Dirección del proyecto PORTOS
(2020)A correct use of Project Management methodologies has a key role in the case of public calls for collaborative R&D projects, as those financed with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), given by either their strict ... -
Buenas prácticas para la resolución de conflictos en la gestión de la construcción.
(2020)Management in the construction industry from the point of view of the contractor, is in the hands of the construction manager. The work team for the execution of the works is subject to the time and cost factor, and in ... -
Evaluación del valor de adquisición del equipamiento electromédico en relación con la infraestructura, uso asistencial y consumo energético en hospitales
(2020)The functionality of hospitals nowadays depends largely on the electromedical equipment they have, not only for the number of equipment but for its economic value. The total adquisition cost of the electromedical equipment ... -
Desafíos en la implementación de FIDIC debido a discrepancias entre los términos contractuales y la legislación local. Análisis comparativo.
(2020)The purpose of a contract is to set out the rights, responsibilities and liabilities, of the parties and can be described as a “means toallocate risk between parties”. The main differences between the Spatial Development ... -
Las mejores prácticas de gestión de residuos de construcción y demolición en Europa: análisis comparativo. Herramientas digitales.
(2020)Construction and demolition waste forms a significant percentage of all the waste streams generated in Europe. The European Commission has set targets and goals for this waste stream, implying the executions of circular ... -
Características de las políticas industriales en regiones europeas y su relación con la innovación
(2020)The analysis of the industrial policy of a region shows the diversity and dispersion of these between the different regions of the European Union. The objective of this work is to identify those characteristics of the ... -
Comparativa de sistemas regionales de innovación según los indicadores del Regional Innovation Scoreboard
(2020)As industries and companies can base their competitiveness on innovation, at the territorial level the regions show a positioning that characterizes them as more or less innovative. The Regional Innovation Scoreboard is a ... -
Herramientas para la adquisición de competencias del ingeniero basadas en la teoría del conocimiento para la era digital
(2020)Engineering in general, and Project Management in particular, is characterized among other factors by collaborative, multicultural work environments, based on information and communication technologies. The "Competence" ... -
Realización de proyectos industriales sostenibles mediante metodología BIM en un entorno colaborativo universidad-empresa
(2020)This work is part of one line of teaching and research about the BIM methodology carried out in Project subjects of the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Valladolid. One of the objectives of this new ... -
Estudio comparativo de metodologías de dibujo técnico para entrenar la visión espacial
(2020)New technologies and computer-aided design (CAD) applications have changed the teaching of technical drawing in recent years, leading its study towards new paradigms. These paradigms have allowed the emergence of different ... -
Implantación de rúbricas en la asignatura de expresión gráfica en los grados de ingeniería
(2020)The subject of Graphical Expression at Universitat Jaume I presents a structure where the acquired knowledge accumulates progressively. For this reason, the correction criteria for continuous assessment tests evolve ... -
Simulación de experiencias profesionales en las fases de diseño, contratación y construcción mediante el aprendizaje basado en proyectos
(2020)Traditional learning techniques have shown that these do not encourage engineering students to develop their skills. Instead, Project Based Learning (PBL) methodology involves students in problem design and resolution, ... -
El Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos como eje director de las asignaturas de los estudios de Máster Universitario en Ingeniería
(2020)In recent years, new educational techniques have been identified with the aim of improving the assimilation of concepts and skills by students. In this line, the Project-Based Learning is revealed as one of the most useful ... -
Experiencias de un aprendizaje basado en problemas. Proyecto de integración de sistemas fotovoltaicos dirigido a universitarios y pre-universitarios
(2020)In training processes related to technology and engineering, the application of active teaching methodologies may involve deeper learning of the concepts taught, thereby improving the acquisition of corresponding competences. ... -
Análisis de factores que influyen en adquirir competencias en Dirección de Proyectos (ICB4), al finalizar la carrera de ingeniería
(2020)At an international level, competencies are considered to include not only the skills but also the knowledge and skills of the individual, acquiring them helps to achieve professional performance and development successfully. ...