Buenas prácticas para la resolución de conflictos en la gestión de la construcción.
Villena Manzanares, Marcelo
Villena Manzanares, Francisco
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Management in the construction industry from the point of view of the contractor, is in the hands of the construction manager. The work team for the execution of the works is subject to the time and cost factor, and in turn the diversity of subcontracted works that must be verified and controlled, make the construction management an activity subject to infinite problems causing Stress in your human factor. Due to the typical pyramidal structure in this type of companies, the leadership style of the works headquarters is fundamental for the adequate resolution of conflicts between different agents. In this work, a critical review of the conflicts that may arise in the construction management will be carried out, from the point of view of the contracting company and in turn the most appropriate characteristics of the leadership style of the construction manager will be reviewed to the resolution of them. In short, it is about raising and reflecting on the management style that can lead to success in the art of leading work teams in the execution of works
- CIDIP 2020 (Alcoy) [175]