Browsing CIDIP 2020 (Alcoy) by Subject "03- Ingeniería de Producto, Procesos y Diseño Industrial"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
Análisis de la distribución física de las áreas funcionales en los procesos hospitalarios para mejorar el flujo del paciente
(2020)The buildings of the health centers are created to attend a specific number of patients and depending on their level of care within the service network, they have certain medical specialties as part of their offer, however, ... -
Análisis de la extensión de la vida de uso en las herramientas y métodos de ecodiseño
(2020)The ideal scenario in Circular Economy is to close the circle by slowing down the loop, extending the life of the product making it useful for as long as possible, the opposite of programmed obsolescence. Conceptualizing ... -
Análisis de la intención de compra a partir de la comparación morfológica con el producto líder en ventas
(2020)A product’s formal aspects have more and more weight in the decision-making processes that induce purchasing. Many meanings and decisive symbolic messages are part of a product’s shape. The purpose of this paper is to ... -
Análisis de la percepción de etiquetado de producto utilizando eye-traking. Influencia de los criterios personales
(2020)Product labelling of product is a key element in the communication of specific information, with significant influence on consumer’s behavior and decisions. This behavior depends largely, on the one hand, on consumers’ ... -
Análisis de las investigaciones realizadas sobre la obra de Leonardo da Vinci
(2020)Leonardo da Vinci is known as one of the best painters of all time, although as a result of the rediscovery and study of his great manuscript production he has gained fame in other disciplines such as engineering, urban ... -
Análisis taxonómico de la obra escrita por Leonardo da Vinci
(2020)Leonardo da Vinci was a very versatile person, whose curiosity led him to venture into a large number of areas of knowledge, and his intelligence and ability to work led him to make outstanding contributions in almost all ... -
Aplicación de sistemas inteligentes al control de calidad de la producción de piezas en serie mediante la reconstrucción de imágenes
(2020)Introduction Faced with the current need for an industrial update to the Industry 4.0 model, the need arises to achieve an intelligent system capable of controlling a production chain of parts made of high-value materials ... -
Aproximación al empleo de la correlación inversa basada en ruido para el diseño y evaluación de productos industriales
(2020)This work approach the use of noise-based inverse correlation analysis technique in the field of industrial product assessment. This technique identifies the elements of an image that contribute in the judgment that an ... -
Control PID de temperatura-humedad-CO2 en una cámara para técnicas de bioimpresión
(2020)The evolution of additive manufacturing techniques applied to medicine, in particular to tissue engineering, is known as bio-printing. In this new field of research, three-dimensional structures are recreated using hydrogels ... -
Creación de un algoritmo de medidas morfométricas de corderos para la automatización del pesaje mediante procesamiento de imágenes 3D
(2020)Nowadays, many of the processes carried out in livestock farms have been technified and automated, improving their performance and profitability. However, despite the fact that this technification has taken place in most ... -
Desarrollo de andamios biodegradables mediante separación de fases con una potencial aplicación en Ingeniería Tisular
(2020)The present work focuses on the development of scaffolds based on collagen and chitosan using different processing methods derived from the fabrication of hydrogels and freeze-drying. The scaffolds were produced using 3 ... -
Desarrollo de andamios mediante bioimpresión 3D con un potencial uso en Ingeniería de Tejidos
(2020)Tissue Engineering is defined as the science of design and manufacture of new tissues. It is a multidisciplinary field that requires the combination of biology (responsible for the technology of cultured cells together ... -
Diseño y colaboración para la sostenibilidad: Análisis del modelo Fab City
(2020)In recent years we have moved from the Information Society to the Knowledge Society, in which collaboration is a fundamental pillar of innovation processes, and society has become aware of the need to promote sustainable ... -
Diseño y desarrollo conceptual de BIO-ROV
(2020)The present research project focuses on the design and development process of a remote operated underwater vehicle (ROV). Applying as design model the Pugh’s Total Design model, the project focuses on the early stages of ... -
Estrategias de ecodiseño en el desarrollo de un zapato compensado en altura para tratamientos de hidrocinesiterapia
(2020)Nowadays, the optimization of production costs and material resources are aspects to be taken into account when designing a product. This allows for a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of the product. Therefore, ... -
Estudio de la anisotropía en el desarrollo de biomateriales de nanofibras obtenidos por electrohilado
(2020)The possibility of creating nanofibers allows their application in several research areas (filtration, biotechnology or catalysis). However, the main advances about nanofibers are related to the fabrication of biomaterials ... -
Estudio preliminar de la presencia de factores de apego en pequeños electrodomésticos
(2020)The emotional bond or product attachment is a strategy to slow down the replacement of the product and, consequently, to lengthening product life, avoiding psychological obsolescence. Some of the factors that produce ... -
Hidrogeles basados en colágeno con potencial aplicación en ingeniería de tejidos
(2020)Tissue Engineering emerged as a research field to solve problems arising in tissues and organs with the development of scaffolds, in which cell growth and proliferation takes place. Scaffolds are biomaterials with specific ... -
Implementación de la metodología de diseño para montaje dfa-spdp en un caso de estudio académico en mondragón unibertsitatea
(2020)Design for assembly methodologies (DFA) help designers to consider a product's assembly process from the initial stages of design. The most widespread DFA methodologies (Boothroyd-Dewhurst, Hitachi Assemblability method, ... -
Implementación del Diseño de Servicios para mitigar el efecto de las barreras a la innovación de la administración pública
(2020)Current companies have begun to set aside the industrial principles used in recent decades in order to move into a model where the engine are services. In this new situation, there is a need to introduce new methods that ...