CIDIP 2019 (Málaga): Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 81-100 de 169
Rehabilitación energética de una vivienda unifamiliar de 1985 en Logroño (La Rioja) aplicando el futuro CTE-DB-HE
(2019)The future Basic Energy-Saving Document of the Technical Building Code (CTE-DB-HE) strengthens demands in terms of energy savings and efficiency by updating the definition of a nearly zero-energy building with the aim of ... -
Ensayo de demandas energéticas a largo plazo para la rehabilitación de edificio histórico residencial mediterráneo
(2019)Energy efficiency criteria for the design of local urban rehabilitation policies are revised. This study characterises the demand for air conditioning of a series of typical buildings by simulating the influence of climate ... -
La integración de vehículos eléctricos en el sector empresarial
(2019)Electric Vehicles have the potential to achieve a sustainable transport system. So far, however, the public acceptance of these vehicles is still low, mainly due to their limited mileage range. The objective of this ... -
Impacto del cambio horario estacional en el consumo energético de varios centros sanitarios andaluces
(2019)The results of studying the energy consumption of two hospitals and an outpatient clinic in the city of Huelva are presented, before and after the seasonal changes. The impact of the hourly change has been investigated to ... -
Metodología para mejora de eficiencia energética y reducción de costes energéticos en una cadena hotelera
(2019)The document presents a methodological proposal to improve energy efficiency and achieve a reduction of costs in the consumption of energy (electricity, gas, gas oil) and water in the tourist establishments of a hotel ... -
Revisión del recurso eólico: impacto global, retos y barreras para su integración en los sistemas eléctricos
(2019)Wind energy, recognized as renewable energy, clean, ecological and inexhaustible, capable of reducing energy dependence and allied against climate change, has developed rapidly in recent years; promoted by renewable ... -
Eficiencia energética de las viviendas de la burbuja inmobiliaria. Estudio de caso
(2019)This research seeks to quantify the economic condemnation that residential buildings’ end users have to endure, despite being built in the middle of the last decade, in full real estate bubble. They strictly comply with ... -
Comparación de diversos tests estadísticos en la detección de puntos de cambio en series de precipitaciones máximas
(2019)Rainfall frequency analysis for different durations is an important task within hydraulic and hydrologic engineering projects. Therefore, it is important the detailed knowledge of the rainfall data series that will be the ... -
Diseño de un mini contenedor de residuos urbanos integrado en una “isla verde” del campus de la Universidad de Málaga
(2019)This project consists of developing the phases of the design of a mini urban waste container, in collaboration with the "Islas y Sendas Verdes" project of the University of Malaga. The objective is raising awareness among ... -
Determinación de la estrategias de gestión del flujo de visitantes a un parque nacional utilizando dinámica de sistemas
(2019)Managing natural spaces, with a balance between visitors and environmental sustainability, is a challenge already tackled in many scientific papers. This study targets this issue from a system dynamics approach. A model ... -
Valoración económica del daño ambiental producido por el incendio forestal del sur de Chile en 2017 mediante Amuvam
(2019)The economic appraisal of the damage caused by an environmental catastrophe is essential to compensate its social and environmental effects. It is a very complex problem, in which appraisers should consider multiple variables ... -
Evaluación de mezclas de cespitosas C3 y C4 para la obtención de praderas urbanas de alta sostenibilidad
(2019)Many efforts are being done all around the world to minimize water usage in several crops. In the urban lawns, there are multiple options that allow the minimization of water consumption such as using sensors to archive ... -
Análisis de las principales modificaciones introducidas por la Ley 9/2018 de Evaluación Ambiental en el proceso de EIA
(2019)Last month, on December 6, 2018 it was published in the Spanish Official Bulletin of the State the Law 9/2018, of 5 December, of environmental assessment, amending the Law 21/2013 of environmental assessment, as well as ... -
Protocolo para medir la infiltración in subcuencas del Rincón de la Vittoria y del monte de la Alta Cuenca del Guadalquivir
(2019)Hydrological abstractions such as infiltration, percolation, evaporation, transpiration and interception are fundamental parameters in the process of simulation and modeling of the water balance in a basin. These parameters ... -
Revisión de tecnologías de tratamiento para metales pesados provenientes de drenaje ácido de mina
(2019)The mining activity generates acid drainages that cause a dispersion of heavy metals in the water and soils. Water pollution by heavy metals is a problem in mining areas. Heavy metals have serious effects on the environment ... -
La medición de la infiltración de los suelos de la alta cuenca del Guadalquivir, Tarija, Bolivia
(2019)Usually two considerations are defined to determine the elements of a water balance model. The first consideration includes the spatial limit conditions and the second the period of time. Both influence the reliability of ... -
“Estudio del compostaje del fango producido en una planta de codigestión de fango primario y microalgas”
(2019)In Waste Water Treatment Facilities (WWTF) waste is derived from the depuration. Instead of being managed as waste, they can be re-used to generate products of high agronomic and commercial interest. With the concept of ... -
Análisis regional de frecuencias del rango térmico diario en Andalucía
(2019)The regional frequency analysis (RFA) is a useful tool that allows, using statistics analysis, to solve the problem of data scarcity in time by increasing data in space. In the last decades, the Daily Temperature Range ... -
Evaluación de diferentes métodos de incorporación de zinc a matrices proteicas de soja para su uso en horticultura
(2019)Protein-based matrices, due to their technological, economic and environmental benefits, are potentially attractive for the incorporation and subsequent release of micronutrients that are essential for the health and ... -
Especificaciones para el diseño de gráficos tangibles cerámicos para uso colectivo e inclusivo
(2019)Ceramic tile "Kersigns" is a new and recent type of inclusive tactile graphics adapted to people with visual impairment. These tactile graphics are obtained using a novel manufacturing system based on the use of materials, ...