Now showing items 1-10 of 31
Modelos de evaluación de Proyectos Smart City: Ciudades pequeñas y medianas
The importance and complexity of the challenges that cities face is a fact assumed by the scientific community. The great relative weight of the solutions with which urban centers face their challenges is the subject of ...
Diagnóstico del fallo en las tuberías de polietileno
Due to the high number of leaks in the existing potable water supply networks in an Execution Unit of a locality, the study is carried out with the objective of knowing the causes that are causing the ruptures of the ...
Análisis sobre las condiciones técnicas y la tramitación administrativa de una instalación de rociadores de respuesta rápida en naves logísticas.
Logistic warehouses have a large thermal load and generally require a sprinkler installation for fire protection. One of the best solutions to avoid the obligation to use intermediate sprinklers is the use of high flow ...
Planificación, control y seguimiento de proyectos viales utilizando el diagrama tiempo – camino, caso: “Proyecto vial Cuzco – Perú”
Road projects are becoming more efficient and dynamic, due to the way in which each stage of the project is managed and a cause of sincerer planning among all interested areas validated by expert judgment. On the other ...
Caracterización de la rugosidad absoluta del material y del Coeficiente De Hazen-Williams
The hydraulic study of water pipes both in project work, sizing and pressure analysis, as well as in the work of surveys or analysis of the pathologies or operation of existing facilities that do not provide the minimum ...
Financiación inmobiliaria en México
Building works have traditionally been financed through bank loans of different terms,
issuance of certificates on the debt market and placement of shares in the capital market,
the intention of each ...
Estudio mecánico a colapso en grandes tuberías de abastecimiento de agua potable
The Polytechnic University of Valencia works together with EMIMET through a research agreement, whose objective is to perform the mechanical calculation of new buried pipes collapsing for the supply of drinkable water. The ...
La contratación pública de obras municipales. Análisis de los proyectos de alumbrado público.
The public procurement of works from the local administration includes building projects, civil works as well as repair, rehabilitation and maintenance of municipal infrastructure such as lighting, air conditioning, roads ...
Material de escayola aligerada con polímeros para uso en placas y paneles prefabricados
This paper shows the study of a new plaster material for the preparation of prefabricated buildings. As a result of the work, the grant of the patent No. 2 722 598 was achieved, by the addition of polyvinyl acetate, sodium ...
La construcción 4.0: hacia la sostenibilidad en el sector de la construcción.
Nowadays, the construction industry is undergoing a transformation thanks to digitalization and incorporation of new technologies which industrializing its processes, currently known as Construction 4.0. The application ...