CIDIP 2019 (Málaga): Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 161-169 de 169
La sostenibilidad en las metodologías de la Dirección de Proyectos
(2019)The integration of sustainability into Project Management (PM) is one of the current trends in PM research. The objective of this paper is to perform an analysis of the feasibility of introducing the sustainability aspect ... -
Dirección de proyectos de I+D según UNE-ISO 21.500: Caracterización, especificidades y necesidades de adaptación
(2019)Project management should cover all types of projects. However, R&D projects, especially those carried out in Public Research Institutions (PRI) and financed in competitive public calls, must take into account a number of ... -
Desarrollo de relaciones interempresariales de colaboración: el caso de una empresa de componentes de automoción
(2019)The competitiveness of companies depends to a large extent on the ability to respond to the needs of their customers. These needs are increasingly demanding and complex to resolve, translating to the rest of the agents in ... -
Análisis de las principales aportaciones y tendencias en la aplicación de las tecnologías BIM a proyectos industriales.
(2019)Innovation and technological evolution, with exponential growth in recent years, have for some time led to an important technical, economic and social transformation of different sectors and industries and, at the same ... -
Marco de Gobernanza de Proyectos para la implantación de la Administración Electrónica
(2019)The main aim of this work has been to establish a project governance framework specifically to implement the electronic administration in a public department. This framework includes three views: an evolutionary, an ... -
Causas de los retrasos e incremento de costes en los proyectos de construcción en Omán: Revisión de la literatura.
(2019)In the past one and a half decades, Oman and most of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries have experienced tremendous economic growth and the construction sector is one of the primary beneficiaries that all GCC ... -
Metodología para la implantación de una PMO en el Área TIC de una universidad: Aplicación a la USC
(2019)It shows the development of a methodology for the implementation of a project management office (PMO) in the area of information and communication technologies (ICT) applied to the University of Santiago de Compostela ... -
Nuevo modelo secuencial y conceptual para la gestión de proyectos: Mejorando el PMBOK
(2019)The pmboK Guide for project management is the most cited and used instrument in the world of operations management. But most of the organizations don’t use it strictly as a guide and it is because in order to universalize ... -
Evaluación de la motivación en equipos de proyectos
(2019)People carry out the projects and the performance of the human team is a key success factor. This communication reflects the results of measuring satisfaction in different project teams, applying the theory of expectations. The ...