Now showing items 31-40 of 909
Enfoques de co-aprendizaje en la gestión de interesados: extracción de visiones y valores de comunidades locales en un proyecto LIFE
This work aims to the elicitation of visions and values of local communities in the Serra do Xistral (Galicia, Spain), within the framework of the stakeholder management for the “LIFE in Common Land”, European Commission ...
Problemas de sostenibilidad en proyectos de cooperación: el caso de sistemas fotovoltaicos aislados en el campo de refugiados del Sáhara
Traditionally, autonomous photovoltaic systems have been the protagonists in the supply of energy in areas isolated from the electricity grid. It is for this reason that this type of systems are the preferred choice in ...
Dirigir proyectos con equipos interculturales
A large majority of projects currently undertaken have an international character, with the participation of a wider set of stakeholders (client, contractor, banks, consultants, local partners, subcontractors, local ...
Influencia de la gestión (directa o indirecta) en el rendimiento de los puntos limpios de recogida de residuos sólidos urbanos
The problem of urban solid waste (MSW) in urban areas grows to the extent that it is intended to give better management to each and every one of its fractions. A further effort to improve the environmental situation and ...
Modelos de evaluación de Proyectos Smart City: Ciudades pequeñas y medianas
The importance and complexity of the challenges that cities face is a fact assumed by the scientific community. The great relative weight of the solutions with which urban centers face their challenges is the subject of ...
Implantación de rúbricas en la asignatura de expresión gráfica en los grados de ingeniería
The subject of Graphical Expression at Universitat Jaume I presents a structure where the acquired knowledge accumulates progressively. For this reason, the correction criteria for continuous assessment tests evolve ...
Recubrimientos funcionales sobre utensilios de cocina impresos en 3D
Nowadays, desktop 3D printers are increasingly used to produce everyday custom objects, being cooking equipment the most important ones. These tools have rough surfaces suitable for microbial proliferation. The aim of this ...
Análisis de las iniciativas de simbiosis industrial implementadas en puertos europeos.
The port industry is facing numerous challenges worldwide, this include environmental problems such as: air, land and water pollution. Some authors point to the lack of a European regulatory framework that leads to better ...
Neurodiseño: una propuesta para su desarrollo desde la neurociencia cognitiva
This paper presents a review of the existing “state of the art” in the line of research of methodological development in the processes of neurodesign of products, it is intended to show the different approaches used in the ...
El ABC de la transformación de las organizaciones a la filosofía "agile"
In this paper, we study of the different phases for the implementation of agile methodologies has been carried out. Although there are publications of success cases in the management of software development projects using ...