Now showing items 21-30 of 909
Empleo de tecnologías de teledetección y sensorización avanzada en el cultivo de Camelina
Within the framework of IMIDRA-financed operational group projects (PDR GO), the CAMEVAR project (PDR18-CAMEVAR) faces this year the challenge of establishing a synergy with the PAZ project.
With this collaboration, two ...
Análisis ergonómico de producto mediante termografía y electrogoniometría
The present research project focuses on the design and development process design and development of a computer controller (PC mouse). Based on the State of the Art and Market analysis carried out on the design of controllers, ...
Realización de proyectos industriales sostenibles mediante metodología BIM en un entorno colaborativo universidad-empresa
This work is part of one line of teaching and research about the BIM methodology carried out in Project subjects of the School of Industrial Engineering of the University of Valladolid. One of the objectives of this new ...
Herramientas para impulsar desde la eficacia el emprendimiento universitario en Colombia
Under the slogan of No one behind that proposes the 2030 Agenda, and with the idea of focusing cooperation towards ownership, it is essential to support local entrepreneurship and the knowledge generated by educational ...
Sistema de bajo coste para medida de niveles en ríos
Knowing the water levels in the rivers is vital for flood management. It is also important in other circumstances, for example, to ensure that the minimum environmental requirements are met. Traditional methods for measuring ...
Proyecto de diseño de una cocina industrial centralizada para la elaboración de comida preparada y su posterior distribución
The main activity of the company that is the subject of this work, is the elaboration of ready-to-eat meals in its different establishments. In order to increase its benefits and reduce production costs, the company proposes ...
Estrategias de ecodiseño en el desarrollo de un zapato compensado en altura para tratamientos de hidrocinesiterapia
Nowadays, the optimization of production costs and material resources are aspects to be taken into account when designing a product. This allows for a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of the product. Therefore, ...
Parques eólicos marinos. Situación actual
Currently, wind energy, wich is produced in wind farms connected to the electricity grid, is the second largest renewable energy source worldwide, with an installed capacity of 650.5 GW at the end of 2019, and a large ...
Influencia del marco regulador en el consumo energético de edificios residenciales. Estudio de casos en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía.
Residential buildings built in the middle of the last decade, at the height of the real estate bubble, must fulfil the global thermal transmission coefficient of the building (Kg) according to the Basic Building Standard ...
Análisis de viabilidad técnico-económica de proyectos de generación eléctrica eólica y solar para autoconsumo aplicado a la industria pesada
Heavy industry is frequently associated with the group of large consumers of electricity. For this reason and given the continuous increase of electricity prices observed in recent decades, this sector is immersed in a ...