Now showing items 1-10 of 169
Análisis regional de frecuencias del rango térmico diario en Andalucía
The regional frequency analysis (RFA) is a useful tool that allows, using statistics analysis, to solve the problem of data scarcity in time by increasing data in space. In the last decades, the Daily Temperature Range ...
La evaluación de la ejecución de tareas por parte de los usuarios en interfaces industriales mediante el cuestionario USE
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are widely used in organizations and their use has many favourable consequences, fostering interaction and collaboration, workplace learning, job performance and productivity. ...
Comunicación gráfica de la sostenibilidad en las empresas: análisis a partir de memorias corporativas
The sustainability report is the main tool that an organization can use to voluntarily communicate to stakeholders, clear and standardized information related to their environmental, social and economic performance. The ...
Neuroseguridad aplicada a la Prevención de Riesgos Laborales
Neurosafety is the use of the Neuroscience, and all its branches, for an Occupational, Health & Safety purpose (OHS). Many methods, that come from cognitive neuroscience, allow to understand how brain works while subjecting ...
Cadena de suministro inteligente y conectada
With the arrival of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), the connectivity of all the elements along the supply chain is a reality that offers the possibility of tracking any element ...
Metodología para mejora de eficiencia energética y reducción de costes energéticos en una cadena hotelera
The document presents a methodological proposal to improve energy efficiency and achieve a reduction of costs in the consumption of energy (electricity, gas, gas oil) and water in the tourist establishments of a hotel ...
Análisis de la representatividad de símbolos sobre sostenibilidad de producto, utilizando un equipo de eye-tracking
In product labelling it is common to find logos or symbols referring to different information aspects. Particularly, issues regarding sustainability and circular economy in product consumption are increasingly concerning ...
Comparación de diversos tests estadísticos en la detección de puntos de cambio en series de precipitaciones máximas
Rainfall frequency analysis for different durations is an important task within hydraulic and hydrologic engineering projects. Therefore, it is important the detailed knowledge of the rainfall data series that will be the ...
Un enfoque sobre la Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos en las obras residenciales en la República Dominicana
Construction in Dominican Republic is associated with an inefficient sector, with high costs, low productivity, low quality of finished products and low profit margins with respect to the economic volume of investments.
In ...
Rehabilitación energética de una vivienda unifamiliar de 1985 en Logroño (La Rioja) aplicando el futuro CTE-DB-HE
The future Basic Energy-Saving Document of the Technical Building Code (CTE-DB-HE) strengthens demands in terms of energy savings and efficiency by updating the definition of a nearly zero-energy building with the aim of ...