Now showing items 1-10 of 62
Análisis taxonómico de la obra escrita por Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was a very versatile person, whose curiosity led him to venture into a large number of areas of knowledge, and his intelligence and ability to work led him to make outstanding contributions in almost all ...
Desarrollo de andamios mediante bioimpresión 3D con un potencial uso en Ingeniería de Tejidos
Tissue Engineering is defined as the science of design and manufacture of new tissues. It is a multidisciplinary field that requires the combination of biology (responsible for the technology of cultured cells together ...
Influencia de la temperatura de moldeo en bioplásticos a base de proteína de soja y guisante
The elaboration of bioplastics from renewable polymers, such as proteins, is a field with high potential for industrial applications such as packaging, agriculture, etc. This study evaluates two different raw materials to ...
Inventiva para generar innovación en procesos productivos tradicionales. Un análisis de caso basado en la teoría del diseño axiomático
Production processes that transform agricultural raw materials and rely on tradition are usually present in rural communities, where technique and good practices to achieve product quality and sustainability are limited. ...
Proyecto de diseño de una cocina industrial centralizada para la elaboración de comida preparada y su posterior distribución
The main activity of the company that is the subject of this work, is the elaboration of ready-to-eat meals in its different establishments. In order to increase its benefits and reduce production costs, the company proposes ...
Estrategias de ecodiseño en el desarrollo de un zapato compensado en altura para tratamientos de hidrocinesiterapia
Nowadays, the optimization of production costs and material resources are aspects to be taken into account when designing a product. This allows for a reduction in the environmental impact and cost of the product. Therefore, ...
Neurodiseño: una propuesta para su desarrollo desde la neurociencia cognitiva
This paper presents a review of the existing “state of the art” in the line of research of methodological development in the processes of neurodesign of products, it is intended to show the different approaches used in the ...
Mejora del Mantenimiento en el Procesado de Caña de Azúcar mediante la documentación. Caso de estudio en República Dominicana
The sugarcane processing industry is one of the main industrial activities in the Dominican Republic, so the investment in this sector by both industrialists and state entities is focused from the national strategy in the ...
Análisis de la percepción de etiquetado de producto utilizando eye-traking. Influencia de los criterios personales
Product labelling of product is a key element in the communication of specific information, with significant influence on consumer’s behavior and decisions. This behavior depends largely, on the one hand, on consumers’ ...
Reducción de costes de mantenimiento mediante análisis de fiabilidad en activos del sector azucarero. Caso de estudio en República Dominicana
This work shows the design of a preventive maintenance plan based on the reliability analysis of the most conflictive assets in a sugar cane transformation company located in the Dominican Republic, where this sector (sugar ...