Rehabilitación de redes de drenaje mediante algoritmos de optimización y metodologías de reducción del espacio de soluciones
Guaya-Caraguay , Cristian Iván
Bayas Jiménez, Leonardo
Iglesias-Rey, Pedro L.
Martínez-Solano, F. Javier
Briceño-León, Cristian Xavier
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One of the main problems of urban drainage infrastructures is the need for their rehabilitation to adapt to the new operating conditions derived from the increase in rainfall intensities. This work uses a rehabilitation methodology based on the partial replacement of pipes and the installation of detention tanks.
The main problem of this type of algorithms is the solutions search space is huge, so its exploitation becomes difficult. Therefore, this paper analyzes some techniques for reducing the solutions search space and proposes a new methodology based on the recursive use of an optimization algorithm. The proposed method requires less computational effort than its precedents, sometimes improving the results obtained.
To validate the methodology, several case studies have been selected on which various rehabilitation technologies have been applied. The comparison of the final solution scenarios obtained by the different methodologies shows the goodness of the proposal made in this work.
- CIDIP 2020 (Alcoy) [175]