Because of the imminent introduction of the European Higher Education Area as a framework for university studies in Spain, the Schools of Engineering will also have to modify their plans of study to adapt the subjects to a new way of measuring time training.
Nowadays, theoretical and practical classes mark the duration of each subject, but with the new laws that will govern the university in our country and much of Europe, the European Credir Transfer System (ECTS) will be the measuring unit of the dedication of the students in each area.
These credits, with an estimated duration between 25 and 30 hours, relate more to the needs of global work of the students for overcoming the different subjects that to the dedication of teachers in their teaching, as was the case so far.
In this work, through surveys and other observations, it is intended to determine the approximate number of hours needed to overcome a important subject in the development of engineering projects, Graphic Expression, a degree from the University of Santiago de Compostela. Thus, we will have a very important figure in developing the new plans of study, which will soon be adapted to the proposed model.
Keywords: European Higher Education Area, European Credits Transfer System (ECTS).
- CIDIP 2008 (Zaragoza) [245]