Now showing items 11-20 of 909
Aplicación de las metodologías de Dirección de Proyectos a proyectos de I+D+i colaborativo: Dirección del proyecto PORTOS
A correct use of Project Management methodologies has a key role in the case of public calls for collaborative R&D projects, as those financed with European Regional Development Funds (ERDF), given by either their strict ...
Planta piloto de ósmosis inversa para remover metales pesados Pb, Fe, As, Zn, Mn en aguas de consumo en Bolivia
The presence of heavy metals in drinking water in the Guadalquivir and Milluni basins located in Tarija and La Paz, Bolivia, requires the need to investigate adequate water treatment systems and technologies. One of the ...
Diseño de una planta de potabilización doméstica, para producción de 75 l/día de implementación en países en vías de desarrollo
Every day we can see more of the importance of water as an essential element for life and fundamental to healthy ecosystems and socio-economic development of population. Access to clean water is now one of the United ...
Análisis de la influencia de los factores culturales en la gestión de los proyectos de arquitectura.
In this time when many projects are developed far away from the site where they are built, where collaboration between international companies is very widespread, and where offshored equipment is increasingly common; the ...
Análisis de interesados y toma de decisiones de los armadores de buques frente a la próxima política “IMO AZUFRE 2020”.
The main type of oil used as fuel in ships is heavy fuel oil, derived from the residue of crude oil distillation. Crude oil contains sulphur which, after combustion in the engine, is released into the atmosphere along with ...
Optimización de la envolvente térmica de una vivienda unifamiliar en logroño (españa) y comprobación del cumplimiento del CTE-DB-HE
The building sector is responsible for 40% of the final energy consumption in the European Union. Given this problem, the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, transposed in all countries of the European Union, requires ...
Gasificación de la electricidad: gestión de excedentes de energía renovable. Hibridación e integración con tecnologías clásicas de generación eléctrica
There was a very significant increase in installed wind power between 2009 and 2019. The forecast for 2020-2030 is also very high.
A scenario with a lot of installed wind power will generate surplus energy and it will be ...
Herramientas para la adquisición de competencias del ingeniero basadas en la teoría del conocimiento para la era digital
Engineering in general, and Project Management in particular, is characterized among other factors by collaborative, multicultural work environments, based on information and communication technologies. The "Competence" ...
Evolución en un escenario de cambio climático de los recursos hídricos de los embalses de la cuenca alta del Guadiana
The available water resources are insufficient in the Mediterranean watersheds. In addition, the Mediterranean area is a global desertification hot spot, with Spain being the European country most threatened by this process. ...
Consideraciones metrológicas en los requerimientos de exposición a vibraciones en la normativa de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo
The regulations on health and safety at work are one of the pillars of occupational risk prevention. Many aspects are evaluated by different regulations to ensure the safety of personnel in different sectors.
In order to ...