Determinación de los precios de los apartamentos turísticos Airbnb en Málaga. Una aproximación espacial.
González Morales, Juan Gabriel
Chica Olmo, Jorge
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In this paper we present the main results of tourism apartment hedonic price modelization located in Malaga, under the incipient sharing economy framework. For this, information is available about the Company of touristic aparments Airbnb, which is a rental platform for accommodation that is located around the world. A hedonic price model is estimated that takes into account structural characteristics (number of beds, bedrooms, number of bathrooms…) and some specific features that are known as amenities (pool, wifi, elevator etc.). Also we include location variables as distance to centre of the city, distance to the beach and the distance to the closer leisure center. All of this will allow us to determine some of the main factors that determine the rental price of the accommodation in said city, besides being relevant for the planning of the territory and the decision making on the part of the agents involved. In this way, we finally show a way of spatial analysis of this phenomenon that we have not seen before in other works of this type.
- CIDIP 2019 (Málaga) [169]