Proyecto I Ágora Internacional sobre Educación, Investigación y Empleo. Ejemplo de aplicación NPS a la Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos
Carmona Fernández, Diego
Rodríguez Méndez, Diego
Jaramillo Morán, Miguel Ángel
Canito Lobo, José Luis
Quintana Gragera, Francisco
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The “no problems, Solutions (npS)” methodology is based on various disciplines and tools to facilitate management of projects.
The I International Agora on Education, Research and Employment is a social project whose vision is to create a meeting space and international connection for 4 days each year, which integrates all educational / training levels: preuniversity, the University and the social and labor environment of the graduate, emerging as a space to integrate these levels of which logical coordination is expected, to facilitate competency performance in a global context of competency-based learning. It is completed with the Agora network, a network that has the epicenter in projects and not in individuals, and it is under operating principles similar to those of the neural network of a human brain, which will allow during the remaining 361 days of each year, connect to the NODES (neurons) created worldwide to carry out joint projects in the holistic reach of the Ágora.
It has been planned and managed under npS methodology, using the 4P principle of the same and using the npS hexagon tool in its planning and development.
In this work the most significant aspects of the project are shown.
- CIDIP 2019 (Málaga) [169]