Herramientas metodológicas para elaboración de manuales de procesos y procedimientos en plantas empacadoras agro-industriales de uva y banano en Piura
Guerrero Chanduví, Dante A.M.
Moscoso Flores, Chally Israel
Preciado Aparicio, Eva
Girón Escobar, Catherin
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Organizations seek to improve their productivity and focus on the continuous improvement of production processes and systems of work. In order for these business agents to transpire, it is indispensable that these are defined, documented and controlled. The manuals of processes and procedures become a tool for best quality results. These results are obtained by implementing working methods that are simplified, eliminating unnecessary operations, reducing the costs, and evoking the misuse of the company´s resources. This article proposes a methodology that allows us to explore, identify and describe the necessary steps for the development of functional manuals as well as their application to an agribusiness company. The research is supported by a qualitative approach that consists of a qualitative observation that involves going deeply into the situation of the processes, followed by semi-structured interviews with company personnel from all tiers, and documenting such research through graphs or written form. After this investigation is completed, an exhaustive analysis is carried out, along with a triangulation of the data collection methods in order to verify and validate the information. The manual is developed based on the data collected and the complete analysis of such data.
- CIDIP 2019 (Málaga) [169]