One of the most characteristic feature of the Directive 96/61/CE (IPPC), transposed by the Law 16/2002, of Integrated Pollution and Prevention Control, is the reference to the use of the Best Available Techniques (BAT's) and ELV's, that brings, as consequence, on one hand, the adaptation of industries to the technological and scientific advances and, by the other, the problems of regulatory concreteness and of law interpretation by the diverse administrations.
Nevertheless, the uncertainty on the possible effects of the technological advances and the new discoveries, permits to go on a flexible dynamic, open, and normative approach that can be gathered in some technical guides, which are external to the process of legislative elaboration.
The use of BAT’s is incluided in a more extensive framework than Directive’s, that is only a part of some new ways of management, being one of the pillars of, what is known by international agencies as PNUMA or OCDE, as Cleaner Production, and attending to interrelated concepts, as Ecoeficiency or Lifecycle Analysis of Products which permit, as a whole, that the Integrated Focus in the environmental management can be efective.
Keywords: IPPC, integrated environmental permit, integrated focus of pollution, interadministrative coordination, environmental intervention, unique permission,
environmental procedure, (BAT's) best available techniques, (ELV' s) emission limit values.
- CIDIP 2008 (Zaragoza) [245]