In this paper is described one of our most successful projects, which was the establishment of a Model for Agricultural Production Planning in 21 rural areas (“comarcas”) of Galicia.
The first part of our research consisted in obtaining field information about these areas. Fieldwork was carried out between 2002 and 2004, and consisted of 4.348 surveys made to farmers from these 21 “comarcas” of Galicia, more than 350 interviews to experts, and of course bibliographic, statistical and cartographic research.
The second part consisted in the generation of a Model for Agricultural Production Planning (including agricultural and livestock farming, and forestry), which could be used for decisionmaking assessment in the application of policies, programs and plans at this “comarca” scale. It was created to be an instrument to plan agricultural uses of land, to rationalize and optimize the sustainable exploitation of rural soils, and to achieve higher levels of rural development.
The core of this model was the establishment of 44 indicators of sustainability (social, environmental and economical indicators), and the integration of them in a computer
Keywords: Agricultural Production Planning, indicators of sustainability, indicators of rural development.
- CIDIP 2008 (Zaragoza) [245]