The top education is a strategic factor for the social transformation, the consolidation of the national sovereignty and the best construction of a society, of there that this on appears as an unavoidable need and as a space opened for the permanent learning. The National Experimental University of the Táchira, as institution that shapes the subsystem of top education, seeks to increase equity in the access to this subsystem and to strengthen the presence in the communities, with the aim of to consolidate the education to all the levels and social strata in conformity with the established in the General Lines of Plan of Economic and Social Development of the Nation 2007 – 2013. In the frame of these lines, a Study was realized y the principal aim to identify the needs of formation for the establishment and beginning of programs in the Zones South, North, Center North and Metropolitan of the State Táchira; this Study will allow to estimate the demand in the programs of formation in the top education, the update and the education of the professionals and communities in order that they help to consolidate the region, referring to the requirements of the productive sector, the scientific, thechnological and social development and the socioeconomic progress of the zone in the influence.
Keywords: Necessities, Formation, Vocational.
- CIDIP 2008 (Zaragoza) [245]