The Ingenieros Industriales de Cataluña visat-e is a web application hosted in the Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Cataluña servers. It allows for telematic issue of certifications, eliminating the need for the paperwork to be taken from the engineers’ offices to the Association and back once it has been approved.
Since the year 2004, registered engineers who wish to do so can send all their projects from a computer with Internet access and an encryption card reader using this application.
To that end, the Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Cataluña applied as register authority in the certifying company Firmaprofesional and provides those registered engineers who may require one with an approved electronic signature identifying them as members of the Ingenieros Industriales association.
The next step is to send documents straight to Administration, eliminating the need of paper as a support. The Colegio is working towards this goal with the Administració Oberta de Catalunya (AOC) in order to reach an agreement with the Catalan councils so that they accept certain electronic formalities including paperwork approved by the Colegio, obtaining digital files straight from our servers, ensuring confidentiality and integrity in communications.
Palabras clave: Visado, tramitación, firma, electrónica, administración
- CIDIP 2008 (Zaragoza) [245]