Now showing items 1-10 of 902
Análisis taxonómico de la obra escrita por Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo da Vinci was a very versatile person, whose curiosity led him to venture into a large number of areas of knowledge, and his intelligence and ability to work led him to make outstanding contributions in almost all ...
Desarrollo de andamios mediante bioimpresión 3D con un potencial uso en Ingeniería de Tejidos
Tissue Engineering is defined as the science of design and manufacture of new tissues. It is a multidisciplinary field that requires the combination of biology (responsible for the technology of cultured cells together ...
Criterios sociales y medioambientales en la contratación pública. Una prospectiva desde la entrada en vigor de la ley 9/2017
Public procurement has to be seen as an investment tool and not just as an expense. Its strategic value enables to develop social and environmental policies. This vision of procurement has been reinforced since the entry ...
Generación de proyectos de cooperación para la transferencia de conocimiento mediante estancias de voluntariado. El caso de Kitega Community Center.
The development of cooperation projects requires technical knowledge of the work area, but also knowledge of the cultural and social characteristics of the place, to maximize the collaboration.
This communication is based ...
Relación entre diferentes tipos de comportamiento pro-ambiental y distintas concepciones del bienestar subjetivo
The adoption of pro-environmental behaviour at the individual level is essential to achieve the transition to a sustainable society. In this paper we examine the relationship between pro-environmental behaviour and subjective ...
Revisión de la aplicación de las Técnicas de Análisis de Ciclo de Vida a la industria azucarera
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a methodology used to study, analyze and determine the environmental aspects and impacts that could affect the environment and cause harmful effects on the human beings associated to the life ...
Influencia de la temperatura de moldeo en bioplásticos a base de proteína de soja y guisante
The elaboration of bioplastics from renewable polymers, such as proteins, is a field with high potential for industrial applications such as packaging, agriculture, etc. This study evaluates two different raw materials to ...
Tratamiento de fármacos presentes en aguas mediante carbón activado en polvo y granulado
The present research studies the reduction of emerging organic pollutants carbamazepine and diclofenac through the use of powdered active carbon (PAC) and granular (GAC).
The tests to determine the adsorption capacity of ...
Dualidad del agua superficial y subterránea en la restauración hidrológica de humedales
Wetland conservation is a high priority since these ecosystems have disappeared at an accelerated rate. During the 20th century more than 50% were lost. These natural spaces, besides being a biodiversity reserve, are sinks ...
Inventiva para generar innovación en procesos productivos tradicionales. Un análisis de caso basado en la teoría del diseño axiomático
Production processes that transform agricultural raw materials and rely on tradition are usually present in rural communities, where technique and good practices to achieve product quality and sustainability are limited. ...