Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Comunicación gráfica de la sostenibilidad en las empresas: análisis a partir de memorias corporativas
The sustainability report is the main tool that an organization can use to voluntarily communicate to stakeholders, clear and standardized information related to their environmental, social and economic performance. The ...
Variables influyentes en el consumo energético del parque edificatorio residencial: análisis a partir de datos de consumo reales
The upward trend in the residential sector of energy use has significant consequences in terms of environmental impacts and energy dependence. Numerous studies analysed the factors that explain this trend, nonetheless they ...
Compra Pública Verde en edificios de oficinas: integración de criterios de herramientas de evaluación de la sostenibilidad
Each year European Union (EU) public authorities spend the equivalent of 17% the EU Gross Domestic Product on the purchase of goods, services and works. In this line, Green Public Procurement (GPP) can shape production and ...