Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Neurodiseño: una propuesta para su desarrollo desde la neurociencia cognitiva
This paper presents a review of the existing “state of the art” in the line of research of methodological development in the processes of neurodesign of products, it is intended to show the different approaches used in the ...
Perspectiva de la sostenibilidad en las empresas en la zona transfronteriza entre Andalucía y Portugal. Medidas y buenas prácticas.
At present there is a perspective of sustainability in companies dedicated to manufacturing that has evolved to position itself as one of the main axes in the development of strategic lines for product development. Green ...
M3C: Marco de Modelado de Metabolismo Circular en proyectos de ingeniería
Engineering projects need to be conceived in a sustainable way, so as to ensure ecocompatibility between technical metabolism associated with the project and natural metabolism that exists in the ecosystems, that is, the ...